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Keep Our Campus Healthy

MNU partners with these organizations to ensure this plan meets current best practices for public health: Johnson County Department of Health and Environment, Olathe Health Systems, NAIA, State of Kansas. Following the requirements is a responsibility we all share! This page is amended as information and guidelines surrounding COVID-19 develop.

Academic Year 23-24

MNU seeks to keep our campus healthy and to do so, we partner with several organizations to ensure that our policy meets current best practices for public health. The university works with the Johnson County Department of Health, the Center for Disease Control, the National Association of Independent Athletics and the State of Kansas. Campus health is a responsibility we all share collectively and individually on behalf of our entire university and community.

Current COVID guidelines indicate that if you test positive for COVID-19, you are to stay isolated in your room on campus or at home for 5 days, and if on day 5 you are fever-free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medication), then isolation can end, but you should wear a mask in public places and avoid public contact for five additional days. Students who test positive are responsible to communicate and make arrangements with instructors, coaches, or residential life staff. Employees should report illness and health-related absences to their immediate supervisor.

The Johnson County Health Department provides additional information regarding current practices at ( This links directly to the Center for Disease Control website and additional information.
